Dairy Management Solution
DMS Dashboard will present the overview of the farm.
- List the no of cattle's for each group
- Admin will be able to create the cattle group as per choice
- Graphical representation of daily produced milk
- Date filter to view details
- Insert or update the milk entry of a cow for a day
Cattle list
DMS Dashboard view will present the overview of the farm.
- List all the cattle of a category in form of grid
- User will also be able to search a cattle using it's tag no
- User also will be able to visualize the list of all cattles in physical location like a ward or shade.
- This will help to accomplish the location wise tasks and avoid mistakes.
New cattle
A very user friendly input form to make a new entry of cattle. User will be to insert the every information about a cattle like:
- General info
- Family Info
- Health info
- Reason of exit like death/lost/sold
- Special note